“Man is the only being that respects no boundaries”

Forest of Radgost card decks
Zrec quotes

"...don't assume that this act of bravery makes us better."

Radgost Butterfly

Fellow villager,

Once our search party enters the sacred forest, we will violate the unwritten rules of our realm. But don't assume that this act of bravery makes us better.

I ask of you to remain humble.

Understand that simple plants may save your life. Kind animals may offer precious companionship. Listen more than you speak and you will gain new abilities.

Keep your eyes, ears and your heart open, and we might just have a chance at rescuing the children.

To convince you of this simple truth, I will tell you now about a few of these plants, animals, items, and abilities. But be aware that this is but a small smattering compared to all the wonders that the forest hides.


Eagle's feather

If you lose your pouch — or gods forbid — lose your freedom, this eagle feather can help you bring it back. Hold the feather between your fingers, like so. Then let it go and watch it float away. In no time, a giant eagle will swoop in from the sky.

If it's the pouch you want back — the sharp-eyed bird will carry it in its beak. If it's your freedom that you want restored — hop on the eagle's back and soar away from trouble.

Only catch? The only way to get this feather is to earn the eagle’s gratitude through a selfless act.

Scale characters
Scale characters


No human in this world can breathe underwater — except our people. I'll teach you the secret. All you need is a humble stick of reed.

When you're cornered and have nowhere else to hide, plunge yourself into the nearest stream. Lie on your back and point one end of your reed stick above the water.

Then just breathe through the other end. Calm down. Be patient and the danger will pass.

Dragon's saber

If you see a shiny object glistening in the grass, pay attention. It might be a Dragon's saber.

Sometimes a reckless dragon flies away and leaves its saber behind. Pick it up. It will boost your combat abilities.

Scale characters
Card decks

Ivan's call

Ivan quotes

“Each plant or animal or object has been chosen for its magical significance to pagan Slavic people.”

Fellow boardgamer,

This is just a small assortment of in-game cards. In its final form, Forest of Radgost will include nine card decks and around 200 cards. Each card will represent either a collectible plant, animal, object, or a companion or a side-quest. Each plant or animal or object has been chosen for its magical significance to pagan Slavic people. As you explore the forest, you will learn more about Slavic traditions and beliefs.

We found and collected all these items in the same way you'll find and collect them while playing the game. It's just a slightly different context. You will roam through forest paths surrounded by oaks. We roamed through library aisles surrounded by shelves of books. We dove into encyclopedias, folk tale anthologies, and scholarly works. Here's a smattering of sources used to create the cards.

  • The eagle feather is a motif from Baš Čelik, an old Serbian folk tale that was passed on from time immemorial before it was committed to writing in 1877.
  • The Dragon's saber reference was found in an anthology published by the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • The use of reed straws to breathe underwater is mentioned in the chapter “Slavic Tribes and their Culture” within the Cultural History of the Serbs, by Vladimir Ćorović

It's still not too late to join the tribe.

Forest of Radgost began as a family project.

In the end, it took a whole tribe of board gamers, sculptors and painters, scholars and writers, and 3003 Kickstarter backers to shape the game.

And we are still growing -- you still have a chance to join our tribe.